Thursday, October 9, 2014

5 Interview Tips For Nannies!

We love getting feedback from our clients about how the first meeting with a nanny has gone! We love hearing how professional they looked or how prepared they were for their interview.

When nannies come and interview with us, we look for specific details that will hopefully positively reflect their work ethic and potential with the company! I sat down last night and thought about the top 4 things I look for when interviewing a nanny because I think candidates need to know the importance of a first impression. A bad first impression is one of the hardest emotions to shake in a blooming relationship and in an interview, can be the difference between landing a job, or loosing it.

1) COMMUNICATE! This is the most important thing as this is the first impression the client, interviewer etc. will have of you. Always confirm your appointments and give as much advance notice as you can if something comes up! Be available! Whether it be via email, text, phone 

2) DRESS APPROPRIATELY! You are role models for these children! Please, please cover up! You should be able to get on the floor at any moment during your interview and play with the little toddler running around. Wear something cute, casual, clean and conservative. Nothing short, ripped, low-cut or strapless. NO HEELS! And I shouldn't have to say this, but please have well manicured fingernails (short & clean), no perfume (especially if you are going to be around newborns) and minimal makeup. **If you are even questioning the outfit send a friend/family member a photo of it and ask!**

3) BRING YOUR PACKAGE WITH YOU! It shows that you are polished and professional. Bring your resume, letters of recommendation and references at the very least! It is a huge bonus if you can bring any certifications, degrees or other field-related documents as well.

4) NEVER BASH YOUR PREVIOUS JOBS! Or anyone for that matter. It is unprofessional and will make the client uneasy when talking with you. Even if you have had bad experiences in your past jobs, there is no need to talk poorly about them. You never know who they may know! 

4) FOLLOW UP! It speaks volumes when we receive a follow up email from a candidate after we meet with them. A simple "thank you so much for your time" goes a LONG way. We remember that! 

Being a Seaside Nanny is not just being a 'nanny'. We expect a lot from our ladies and know what they are capable of. We do not want these minor, fixable details impact the chance of getting an awesome position. 

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